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Senior year has passed as you enter a new age. 

The closing of a chapter and the turning of a page
Yester-year is gone a new chapter you've begun
But memories last a lifetime and your book is far from done.
For it Is your graduation and what lies ahead is yet unseen
It is a celebration of what you've achieved birth till now and all that's in between.
You've went through many phases, good and bad, happy and sad
You've faced these challenges, passed them all, be glad.
Never have regret for the past you cannot change
Its part of the story of your life not to be re-arranged.
Reach out and embrace it for its now a part of you
The things you are proud of and those you wish you didn't do.
Remember all the good things send the rest off with the wind
For your starting a new chapter its a chance to begin again
Set your eyes on the horizon your life has just begun
Keep your head held high and half the battle you'll have won.
So grab ahold of your dreams and let them take you far
As you blaze your own path and become a shining star.
Never give up hope for dreams really can come true
You must search your soul for the answer lies within you.
For life is but a game at times it seems insane,
Play your hand follow the rules and you'll have much to gain.
So always hold your head high reaching for the sky
For there is so much you can do if you set your mind to try.
So the best advice I could give from growing up as a teen
Is follow your heart keep hold of your dreams and chase the future yet unseen
You'll always have your family and your best friends
Never let them go for they'll be there for you till the end.
There will always be haters who will try to bring you down
But never let them get the best of you don't let them make you frown.
So as you progress and make your maturity seen
Be the best that you can be and make the time count as a teen
It all depends on you and everything that you do
So always listen slow to speak for you have one tongue but ears there are two.
So here's a congratulations to you may you always remain bold
Cherish these good times and memories as you set forth to conquer the world.

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